Medical Gross Anatomy encompasses the regional and functional anatomy of the human body. The course is divided into two components: lecture and laboratory. The lecture series consist of the descriptive and topographic aspects of gross anatomy and includes such topics as:(1) surface anatomy; (2) the anatomical basis of physical diagnosis and therapy; (3) the morphological bases of physiological and metabolic processes;(4) the evolution of the locomotor apparatus and its maladaptations; (5) the natural history of the head; (6) brief discussions of the history of anatomy with special attention to etymology and the acquisition of an anatomical vocabulary. Students will be placed into teams for the laboratory component. Each team of students will perform complete dissections of the eight regions of the human body in the following sequence: back; thorax; abdomen; perineum (partial); pectoral and pelvic limbs; neck and head. Laboratory work will be supplemented with osteological specimens, slides, models and X-rays.